About us

The company GTP-Kabin Kft. is situated in county Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Törökszentmiklós on the Alatkai road.
The enterprise in 100% Hungarian propriety was founded by 3 private people István Gazsó, Attila Ternák and Sándor Pató on the 1st March 1998 based on actual market demands.
Starting from nothing, it has - by hard working and client oriented way of thinking - achieved to become a dynamically developing company with own site and personal and technical background that makes it capable of qualitative work. 
The new production hall of 720m2 was built totally from own investment and was taken into use in the autumn of 2015.
GTP Kabin Kft. provides technical background that enables the professional commissioning of the contracts and the reliable service of its clients. The management strives the continuous expansion of the technical tools and professional know-how, the comprehensive service of high level and the fully comprehensive satisfaction of the clients.


GTP Kabin Kft.

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